Robot Cottage

A simpler alternative to running a webserver

This is Part 2 of my website adventures. Part 1 is here.

Instead of running Caddy on a public VM, a faster alternative is to use a low-level web hosting service.

My requirements

I need to be able to run my own back-end software and deliver any front-end HTML, CSS, and Javascript assets.

I will eventually need a database server and load balancer to scale up.

Low-level web hosting service

I am now trying to use a web hosting service. Not one that forces you to use a particular framework like WordPress, but one that nevertheless includes pieces of a web stack, hosting all of it in a virtual environment.

All web hosting services are not built alike, of course. But I was able to find one that gives me the infrastructure I need and then gets out of the way.

This one maintains a LAMP stack: it runs Apache, MySQL, and PHP on a virtual Unix server. It allows you to write shell scripts, Node.JS or Python, and even C/C++ programs.

This particular one also sets up TLS certificates and automatic HTTPS redirection. So, no need to run my own Caddy.

They also have their own DNS service that is integrated with their own load balancers, so they don't assign static IP addresses and pollute the Internet environment. I really like their philosophy.


I was able to get my website up and running, with HTTPS, in an hour or so. Over the next couple of days, I will try to make it functional and see how flexible this environment is.
